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Tristan Jehan, Dan Overholt, Hugo Solís Garcia, Cati Vaucelle. Real-time Distributed Media Applications in LANs with OSC. 2004. OSC Conference 2004.
Download: files/Tristan-2004-OSC-Poster.pdf
Abstract: An increasing number of interactive applications must deal with real-time processing, and/or management of large databases of media (i.e., text, sound, images, videos). Often, limitations with computing power, requirements for distributing knowledge, availability and convenience of programming environments, make most intensive systems often fragmented across machines and even locations. These programs must exchange streaming data quickly, and seamlessly. The Media Laboratory explores and prototypes such systems. However, emphasis is often given on interactivity and content management rather than on communication technology. Open Sound Control (OSC) enables fast prototyping development of efficient communicating programs regardless of the programming language, computer architecture, and operating system. A series of systems using OSC in a local area network (LAN) “sometimes wireless” as main communication protocol were implemented and are presented. The applications include: real-time sound analysis of a symphony orchestra and synthesis of electronic sound masses; analysis and sound morphing of a singing voice with the “Hyperviolin”; SMS-ruled image database retrieval; high-dimensional and motion-controlled sound synthesis interfaces; a media jukebox; and an interactive online radio art installation. These applications use a wide range of environments and languages such as C++, Java, Max/MSP/Jitter, Supercollider, CSL, Flash, and Objective-C on Mac OS, Windows, or Linux platforms.
Context: This was a featured publication on the legacy (pre-2011) website, ported to the new site by Matt Wright in early 2021
Submitted to by Legacy at 03/26/2021 17:03:32
This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Mon May 24 11:20:32 PDT 2021 by matt (license: CC BY).