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status: Unknown (as of 23-Feb-21)

Project Type: Hardware

Project URL:

OSC Documentation URL:


micro-OSC (uOSC) is a firmware runtime system for embedded platforms designed to remain as small as possible while also supporting evolving trends in sensor interfaces such as regulated 3.3 Volt high-resolution sensors, mixed analog and digital multi-rate sensor interfacing, n > 8-bit data formats.

uOSC supports the Open Sound Control protocol directly on the microprocessor, and the completeness of this implementation serves as a functional reference platform for research and development of the OSC protocol.

The design philosophy of micro-OSC is √ɬ¢√¢‚Äö¬¨√Ö”by musicians, for musicians√ɬ¢√¢‚Äö¬¨√جø¬Ω√ɬ¢√¢‚Äö¬¨√¢‚ǨÔøΩit is used at CNMAT as a component in prototypes of new sensor-based musical instruments as well as a research platform for the study of realtime protocols and signal-quality issues related to musical gestures.

Implementation Details

Platform(s): Any / Platform Independent

Features: Packet Parsing, Packet Construction, Bundle Support, Timetag Support, Wildcard Matching Support, High Speed, Bounded Latency, Stateless Interface

Supported OSC types: i: int32, b: blob, s: string, f: float32, t: timetag, T: true, F: false, N: null

Bundle support: Reads Bundles, Creates Bundles

Timetag support: Generates “immedate” timestamp, Generates timestamped sequenced data, Timestamps are UTC-synchronized, Performs scheduling on received timestamped data

Transport support: Serial-SLIP

Submitted to by Legacy at 2/24/21 12:32

This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:23 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).