/page-list /toc
/spec/1.0 /spec/1.1 /implementations /publications /about
(contents of this file:
links to each section)
status: Active / maintained (as of 4/2/2021)
Status details: Active
Project Type: Software Application
Project URL:
OSC Documentation URL:
Qualisys Track Manager (QTM) can stream data in Open Sound Control (OSC) format in real time. This repository contains resources on how to develop OSC clients and related applications that interact with QTM.
Platform(s): Unreal Engine, Unity, etc. plugin
Features: Packet Construction, Packet Parsing, Unknown
Supported OSC types: Unknown
Bundle support: Creates Bundles
Transport support: HTTP
Submitted to by Jeremy Wagner (Admin) at 4/3/2021 21:24:14
This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:20 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).