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This implementation has been superseded by another! Yes. Superseded by D-Mitri:
status: Legacy/Superseded (as of 10-Mar-21)
Status details: This product is no longer made, but MeyerSound has a current product with substantially identical functionality, that still supports OSC.
Project Type: Hardware
Project URL:
OSC Documentation URL:
Versions 4.3.0 and higher of our LX-ELC firmware support the sending and receiving of OSC packets (over UDP or TCP) to set, get, or subscribe to the state of any control point in our system.
Platform(s): Any / Platform Independent
Features: Packet Parsing, Packet Construction
Supported OSC types: i: int32, s: string, f: float32, h: int64, T: true, F: false
Transport support: UDP
Submitted to by Legacy at 2/24/21 12:32
This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:18 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).