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status: legacy/at different link (as of 19-Mar-21)
Status details: current site-unclear if using OSC
Project Type: Hardware
Project URL:
OSC Documentation URL:
The board by default runs a program that allows it to connect to other devices via OSC over Ethernet and USB. It’s also easily reprogrammed via USB to run user-written programs standalone/embedded. It’s easy to connect to any of the normal desktop environments that support OSC - Max/MSP, Processing, Flash, SuperCollider, etc.
The board currently runs OSC over both USB and UDP - we’re hoping to get it up over TCP, and Zigbee as well, among others.
Platform(s): Other
Features: Packet Parsing, Packet Construction, Bundle Support
Supported OSC types: i: int32, s: string
Bundle support: Reads Bundles, Creates Bundles
Transport support: UDP, Serial-SLIP
Submitted to by Legacy at 2/24/21 12:32
This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:18 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).