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status: Active / maintained (as of 12/1/2015)
Status details: Occasionally supported by Adrian Freed. Abandoned by CNMAT.
Project Type: Programming Language Library
Project URL:
OSC Documentation URL:
Arduino (C++ subset) library and examples for embedded controllers to send and receive OSC messages over ethernet or serial. Created by Yotam Mann and Adrian Freed.
Platform(s): Linux, Macintosh, Windows, Arduino
Features: Bundle Support, High Speed, Packet Construction, Packet Parsing, Stateless Interface, Timetag Support, Wildcard Matching Support
Supported OSC types: b: blob, c: char, f: float32, F: false, i: int32, s: string, t: timetag, T: true
Bundle support: Creates Bundles, Reads Bundles, Supports Nested Bundles
Timetag support: Generates “immediate” timestamp, Generates timestamped sequenced data
Transport support: UDP, Serial-SLIP
Submitted to by Adrian Freed at 4/17/2021 12:52:12
This page of OpenSoundControl website updated Tue Aug 16 13:15:15 PDT 2022 by matt (license: CC BY).